Using Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare

Everyone in healthcare appears to be invested in improving patient safety while limiting medical errors.  This is a very common goal for providers, patients and attorneys across the board.  The lack of agreement in this field comes when it’s time to consider the “how”...

Rules in Flux: Arbitration Agreements and Nursing Homes

A simple truth that has been true as long as people have banded together in a society is that no one considers the details of a proposition until it is upon them.  This is never clearer than when people enter into their final years and are placed or place themselves...

The Connection Between Mediation and Healing

When it comes to disputes involving the healthcare industry, whether it be a dispute regarding a payment, an insurance claim, or the quality of care, most of the focus is on the mechanisms involved.  Mediation, litigation, and the offices specifically maintained by...

Issues of Fairness In Mandatory Arbitration Agreements

In general, it’s accepted that mediation and arbitration are usually preferable to litigation.  The benefits to all parties in choosing alternate dispute resolution (ADR) over the traditional court system are obvious and have been covered extensively elsewhere:...